Search for a course > BREVET DE TECHNICIEN (BT) EN BATIMENT - (Building Construction) |
- -The technical subjects in the field of study are in French medium and are as follows:
- Analyse d'Ouvrage & Exécution d'Ouvrage (Workshop Practice)
- Topographie(Land Surveying)
- Laboratoire (Testing of material)
- Métré(Quantity Surveying)
- Projet d'Exploitation (Site Management)
- Technologie Appliquée (Building Construction Technology)
- Construction Batiment & Mécanique Appliquée (Building Construction Drawing and Applied Mechanics)
- Mathematiques(Mathematics)
- Science Physiques(Physics)
- Anglais(English)
- Français(French)
- Informatique(Computer studies)
- Dessin Assisté par Ordinateur(Computer Aided Drawing/DAO)
- Legislation du travail(Labour Legislation)
- Education Sportive(Physical Education)
- - At least Form V or equivalent with an advantage for applicants with science and or technical subjects.
-Between 16 and 22 years old.
3 years |